Beaver Area High School Class of 1981
Kim Brown (Cable)
Sorry, we will not be able to make it back to Pa. this year. I am hibernating now. In Pa. you hibernate in the winter. In Texas you hibernate in the summer. Tripple digit temperatues right now. Playing with the grandkids (2) at the pool if I go out.

Steve and I have been married 29 years. We have two children, Amanda is 27 and Adam is 25 both are married and Amanda has two children Madison 5 and Hunter 3 1/2. I told her my mother is grandma. I am to young to be a grandmother so the kids call me Mimi. Steve and I are enjoying the empty nest. We like to ride the motorcycle when we can. Too hot right now. I am a fareweather rider. If you can't ride a horse ride a motorcycle.